Holiday Pay: Overview and Challenges

Holiday Pay is a complex area more than ever now and the guidance is far from clear with many areas still open to interpretation. Therefore, a solid understanding of the guidance and potential pitfalls is more important than ever


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In April 2020 two major changes happened in regards Holiday Pay, firstly the Taylor Report changes came into force and also the UK Government issued their latest guidance. Holiday Pay is a complex area more than ever now and the guidance is far from clear with many areas still open to interpretation. Therefore, a solid understanding of the guidance and potential pitfalls is more important than ever now to ensure your organisation is best placed to navigate these uncharted waters.

If your organisation is unsure if they are impacted, currently doing nothing, aware of the changes and their impact, or just struggling with the whole process then this session is designed to support you. It will not only cover content from previous sessions but also the latest guidance and deliver more in depth analysis on all things Holiday Pay related, providing you;
- A high level overview of the latest guidance
- Callout potential areas of confusion and where validation is needed.
- Options for mitigating your risk of non-compliance. 

      Meet the presenter 

       Danny Rice has been involved in the Payroll industry for over 20 years. He started his payroll career as an administrator, back when mainframes still ruled, working on both weekly and monthly payrolls. From there he moved into Application Support coding solutions on mainframes and working across various labour intensive projects supporting over 80k workers.

      He has also spent several years in Implementation and Consultancy working on numerous projects from complete payroll solution deployments to business process reengineering.