Spotlight on shadow payroll and the increasingly global workforce of today

shadow payroll, a process that has long been in existence and a common term used in the world of global mobility, has become a topic for discussion

Download the slides from this webinar here. 

Having seen the capability of employees to work from home, wherever in the world that may be, we see that employers are taking a new view on the workforce of today and are now more open to employees basing themselves in countries that they would not normally have worked from. With this, shadow payroll, a process that has long been in existence and a common term used in the world of global mobility, has become a topic for discussion. But what does this new placement of the global workforce mean for payroll professionals and businesses, both in the short and long term, and what do you need to consider from a payroll compliance perspective when facing these new challenges?

What you’ll learn:

- A deeper understanding of the concept of shadow payroll.

- Knowing when shadow payroll should be used and complications of not using this process correctly.

- A look at the current climate in light of the impact of COVID-19 and how this has impacted the need for shadow payroll requirements given the displacement of employees.

- The future implications for payroll as we see a move towards a more relaxed view by employers with regards to where employees are based or choose to base themselves. 

    Meet the Presenters 

    Christine Keily, Chief Operating Officer
    Christine has over 20 years’ experience in global payroll, taxation and social security. As Chief Operating Officer, she is responsible for the delivery of a first class service to Immedis customers from onboarding through to live running.

    A graduate of Trinity College Dublin, Christine is an AITI Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA), an Associate of the Irish Payroll Association (IPASS) and has a Certificate in the Principles of International Taxation from the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT).




    Emma Meehan, Head of Tax Services

    Emma oversees the tax compliance function at Immedis and specializes in the management of tax compliance for globally mobile employees. She also has experience in advisory tax services for international companies with focus on employment tax, social security and other global mobility tax issues. 

    Emma is a Chartered Tax Advisor with the Irish Tax Institute and previously graduated from University College Dublin with a Bachelor of Business & Legal Studies.