[UK] Automated refund cheques from HMRC will stop

[UK] Automated refund cheques from HMRC will stop
12 Jul 2024

In the UK, HMRC has confirmed that the automated issuing of refund cheques to taxpayers has stopped. Taxpayers will now be required to take action themselves, PAYadvice.UK reports.

HMRC confirmed the move in its July 2024 Employer bulletin. The change will affect how it repays the majority of its PAYE taxpayers who are eligible to claim their repayment online. 

Under the present system, any employees who receive a tax calculation letter and do not claim the repayment online automatically reportedly receive a cheque after 21 days. 

This has changed as of May 31, 2024. Cheques are no longer issued automatically. Instead, taxpayers need to take an action to receive their repayment.

Individuals can claim their repayments at tax overpayments and underpayments and an option to request a cheque through this process remains, if preferred.

Instructions on how to claim will be available to taxpayers with their tax calculation letter. It will include alternative routes for anyone unable to claim their repayment online.

Source: PAYadvice.UK

(Links via original reporting)

In the UK, HMRC has confirmed that the automated issuing of refund cheques to taxpayers has stopped. Taxpayers will now be required to take action themselves, PAYadvice.UK reports.

HMRC confirmed the move in its July 2024 Employer bulletin. The change will affect how it repays the majority of its PAYE taxpayers who are eligible to claim their repayment online. 

Under the present system, any employees who receive a tax calculation letter and do not claim the repayment online automatically reportedly receive a cheque after 21 days. 

This has changed as of May 31, 2024. Cheques are no longer issued automatically. Instead, taxpayers need to take an action to receive their repayment.

Individuals can claim their repayments at tax overpayments and underpayments and an option to request a cheque through this process remains, if preferred.

Instructions on how to claim will be available to taxpayers with their tax calculation letter. It will include alternative routes for anyone unable to claim their repayment online.

Source: PAYadvice.UK

(Links via original reporting)

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