[UK] Ideal job pays £44,000 salary and offers birthdays off

[UK] Ideal job pays £44,000 salary and offers birthdays off
01 Dec 2021

A new survey has revealed exactly what Brits prioritise at work as respondents detailed what their ideal job would entail and what it would pay, Lad Bible reports.

The new study, commissioned by Raja Workplace, found that Brits would like to work for a boss who enjoys a pint, while ideal workplaces would offer free hot drinks, a day off on your birthday and regular reviews and pay rises. 

For the research, 2,000 people were quizzed about their dream work set-up. Friendly colleagues and a good location also scored highly. 

According to Sun reporting, Brits also want a 17-minute commute, a decent view from the office, a 26-hour week and 29 holidays per year.

One in ten respondents wanted a more physical job and 33 per cent would like a job that gets them away from their desk and out and about.

Additional benefits such as ‘duvet days’ and discounts at gyms were also highly sought after. 

When it comes to ideal salaries, a majority would like to earn £44,000 a year.

Andrew Wood - spokesperson for Raja Workplace - said, “It's very important to work somewhere that aligns with your lifestyle and values its employees' needs. 

“There are so many different things employers must take into consideration when designing a workplace and environment for their employees.

“From comfy chairs, to the layout of the office, to ensuring the office is stocked with plenty of tea, and coffee, it’s clear from the survey results these are all things employees value within their work space.”

The look of a workplace was also important to many, with workers listing nice décor and clean desks as essentials and 72 per cent saying they prefer a clean desk over clutter.

Meanwhile, 95 per cent of respondents considered a workplace’s atmosphere fundamentally important when it comes to job satisfaction. 

Pleasingly, a third of those asked reckon they’re already doing their dream job. 

Andrew Wood said, “It’s great to see so many people already believe they have found their dream job as work is such a huge part of our modern lives.

“It’s no wonder a clean, tidy and well-organised space is so sought after for employees, when it can impact their productivity levels so much.

“No matter what industry you work in, from office-based, to studio or warehouse based, we expect organisation and the environment will continue to be one of the most important requirements in a workplace.”

Source: Lad Bible

(Link and quotes via original reporting)

A new survey has revealed exactly what Brits prioritise at work as respondents detailed what their ideal job would entail and what it would pay, Lad Bible reports.

The new study, commissioned by Raja Workplace, found that Brits would like to work for a boss who enjoys a pint, while ideal workplaces would offer free hot drinks, a day off on your birthday and regular reviews and pay rises. 

For the research, 2,000 people were quizzed about their dream work set-up. Friendly colleagues and a good location also scored highly. 

According to Sun reporting, Brits also want a 17-minute commute, a decent view from the office, a 26-hour week and 29 holidays per year.

One in ten respondents wanted a more physical job and 33 per cent would like a job that gets them away from their desk and out and about.

Additional benefits such as ‘duvet days’ and discounts at gyms were also highly sought after. 

When it comes to ideal salaries, a majority would like to earn £44,000 a year.

Andrew Wood - spokesperson for Raja Workplace - said, “It's very important to work somewhere that aligns with your lifestyle and values its employees' needs. 

“There are so many different things employers must take into consideration when designing a workplace and environment for their employees.

“From comfy chairs, to the layout of the office, to ensuring the office is stocked with plenty of tea, and coffee, it’s clear from the survey results these are all things employees value within their work space.”

The look of a workplace was also important to many, with workers listing nice décor and clean desks as essentials and 72 per cent saying they prefer a clean desk over clutter.

Meanwhile, 95 per cent of respondents considered a workplace’s atmosphere fundamentally important when it comes to job satisfaction. 

Pleasingly, a third of those asked reckon they’re already doing their dream job. 

Andrew Wood said, “It’s great to see so many people already believe they have found their dream job as work is such a huge part of our modern lives.

“It’s no wonder a clean, tidy and well-organised space is so sought after for employees, when it can impact their productivity levels so much.

“No matter what industry you work in, from office-based, to studio or warehouse based, we expect organisation and the environment will continue to be one of the most important requirements in a workplace.”

Source: Lad Bible

(Link and quotes via original reporting)

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