On September 25, Israel’s tightened lockdown went into effect affecting thousands of workers who found themselves furloughed for the second time since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Women have been hit hardest by the constraints - they represent 70 per cent of the 93,000 Israelis on unpaid leave this time around
Israel reportedly has 854,367 job seekers at present, 522,191 of these have been furloughed as a result of the pandemic. Data provided by Israel’s National Employment Service to Haaretz shows that 54.2 per cent of people who filed for unemployment benefits - a total of 463,000 - are women. Haaretz examines the effect lockdown has had on Israel’s workforce and why working women are bearing the brunt of its impact.On September 25, Israel’s tightened lockdown went into effect affecting thousands of workers who found themselves furloughed for the second time since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Women have been hit hardest by the constraints - they represent 70 per cent of the 93,000 Israelis on unpaid leave this time around
Israel reportedly has 854,367 job seekers at present, 522,191 of these have been furloughed as a result of the pandemic. Data provided by Israel’s National Employment Service to Haaretz shows that 54.2 per cent of people who filed for unemployment benefits - a total of 463,000 - are women. Haaretz examines the effect lockdown has had on Israel’s workforce and why working women are bearing the brunt of its impact.